Home » Conneqt and DataSwitch Announce Partnership

Conneqt and DataSwitch Announce Partnership

Transforming Tomorrow, Together

Partnering for Digital Excellence

Partnering for Digital Excellence

DataSwitch provides quality, cost-effective, and accelerated solutions for application data transformation and modernization. They won the Most Promising Low Code No Code Solution Providers of 2021 award and emerged as a trusted partner for rapid Data Transformation and Modernization. 

This strategic alliance empowered Conneqt to build a strong team to provide end-to-end digital data transformation with enhanced automation and cloud data expertise that expedites your time-to-market.

The market offerings and the key capabilities of this partnership include the following:

  • Data Architecture Consulting 
  • Data Modernization
  • Data Platform Engineering
  • Data Aggregation

Here are some of the major differentiators of this alliance:

  • The combined experience and capabilities of Conneqt and DataSwitch digital expertise with data modernization
  • Cost-effective solutions
  • Build your data platform
  • Cloud-driven data transformation journey running at light speed with business continuity ensured